Don't neglect your vehicle's electronic systems - trust our experts to repair your vehicle properly the first time around! A poor driving experience can often be related to a malfunctioning computer or driving controls. Come to K & A Auto Body to ensure your vehicle is in top driving condition.

Our electronic services include:

Check Engine Light
Seeing the "Check Engine" light on your dashboard can raise concerns, signaling anything from a minor issue like a loose gas cap to more serious problems such as a malfunctioning catalytic converter. At K & A Auto Body, our skilled technicians can quickly read the diagnostic code and determine the exact cause of the alert. For prompt and precise problem resolution, don't hesitate to contact us at 507-825-4374 or visit our facility in Pipestone.

Computer Reflashing
At K & A Auto Body, we provide computer reflashing services, an essential update procedure that installs the latest software on your vehicle's computer. These updates from manufacturers enhance aspects like drivability and fuel efficiency and are critical for maintaining your vehicle's performance. Located in the Pipestone area, our shop uses the latest technology to ensure your vehicle receives all necessary software enhancements.

Our expert mechanics specialize in comprehensive diagnostics of all electronic components of your vehicle. For thorough and professional diagnostic services, consider K & A Auto Body your go-to solution.

Drivability concerns the smoothness and stability of your vehicle's acceleration, monitored by onboard computers analyzing sensor data. If you notice any irregularities in your vehicle's performance, our technicians are equipped to diagnose and rectify any issues, ensuring optimal operation.

Engine Controls
The engine control system is crucial for managing your vehicle's exhaust emissions and optimizing fuel efficiency. Regular maintenance of this system is essential to leverage your vehicle's advanced capabilities. For any concerns regarding engine controls, contact K & A Auto Body to ensure they are functioning perfectly.

Vehicle Computers
Modern vehicles incorporate sophisticated computers that manage essential functions like engine and transmission efficiency. These computers process data from various sensors to optimize settings for components such as spark plugs, idle speed, and fuel injectors. Regular checks and updates are crucial to ensure these computers function optimally. Should your vehicle's computer systems fail, immediate attention and possibly replacement are necessary to maintain performance and safety.

To learn more about our Electronic services, call us at 507-825-4374 or request a quote by clicking below:

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